
Touchbutt w Dork in Park

Last Online - Thursday 19th of December 2024
Display Name The Ponytail
Member Since Sep 7, 2020
Active Record 7-12
Overall Record 1286-764


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3-23-2021 8:39 am EST
⬇ Concentrate on time-out if 2's too much. It's only 2 syllables, you'll figure it out. I'll let you look it up in the dictionary, even if it's above your reading level. It's your homework until you decide to ride up to this page from your retirement home on your armchair saddle with your dusted off trusty bow and arrow alternative, the old mouse and keyboard. You came back, yet can't outrank a camp that's retiring its roster. Haha, I'll help you out by retiring more. Got other camps.
3-22-2021 5:25 pm EST
Haha...timeout? Backfired?
3-16-2021 2:27 am EST
< 3
3-13-2021 8:59 am EST
⬇ About those rankings, what exactly? 2 of the most winning recruits from the roster retired, yet it's still ranked at the top, whereas your roster is still barely top 40. As far as "childish attempts to make cool personal attacks" go, who went to who's page to call them an idiot and try to look cool? Now you came back from time-out to be salty from your own medicine because it backfired on you and shut you down. I was playing the game and never minded you. Check your integrity, manchild.
3-13-2021 8:19 am EST
Yeah...about those rankings...and your childish attempts to make cool personal attacks as opposed to just playing the game like someone who has some integrity
3-10-2021 8:57 am EST
⬇⬇ Also, your post, where you tried to downplay this roster's fighter ranking, is even more humorous upon taking a look at yours. This roster has more fighters ranked 200 or above than yours does, so maybe take your pitchfork, your gold teeth, and your 8th grade education, and go back to school. If you still want to talk ranking, look at the "Camp Rankings" page and you will see that this roster is ranked 1, while yours, after 12 years, is barely top 40, the age you try to use on Tinder.
3-10-2021 8:52 am EST
⬇ Says the severely injured, butthurt keyboard warrior that literally lost 4 times in a row to the same fighter you are posting about. By the way, he is currently ranked middle of the pack on this roster and definitely isn't the top fighter, but keep telling yourself that to make you feel better about yourself. ;) Keep can crushing, eh? Well, I did send you a challenge recently, but you took my advice and declined to not aggravate you while on your period, so you just keep being a can. :)
3-10-2021 7:39 am EST
Says the guy whose top fighter is ranked 200...keep can crushing
3-8-2021 8:12 am EST
⬇ I find it amusing that a grown man would go to someone's game page to post a pissy comment, yet tell them to quit being an idiot. Ha. Quit being an idiotic can, and maybe you'll stop getting crushed. You've only been in this game for a little over 12 years, so I'll give you some time to get over your learning curve. ;) Maybe just be a good little manchild and don't accept if losing in an online game makes you turn 40 years younger and throw a lil' bitch fit in the comment section. :)
3-8-2021 7:27 am EST
Quit being a can crushing idiot
2-28-2021 3:51 am EST
Congrats on the #1 bud :)
2-28-2021 12:18 am EST
Congrats on the #1 in the Camp Rankings.
2-17-2021 9:27 am EST
Nice camp, you on the forums?
2-7-2021 4:30 pm EST
⬇ Again, if you play this game to be "noticed", that's your life and I don't mind at all. Although, you sure did seem to notice Justin Gaethje's undefeated WSOF reign and you sure do seem to notice my fighters quite a bit, since you constantly come write on my page about them with all your different camp names, so thanks for noticing. ;) You, though, seem to be the one "dying unnoticed" in this game as seen by this response's timing. If that's your priority, you need more work. :)
Senior Pain
spanish shooto
1-26-2021 3:18 am EST
it's like you got 5 Justin Gaethje's on your roster but never allow them to fight outside of WSOF lol they'll die unnoticed. If that's the playstyle you are after, you are on the right way
1-26-2021 1:45 am EST
Hello friend! I think I deserve a title shot in PFO MW. May I please have that chance to fight against your fighter with an exceptional win record? Id love to test my strength against such a strong opponent.
1-21-2021 8:01 am EST
⬇⬇ "oh and btw" if someone "accuses" me, it is them that cared enough to come and leave comments and they have the option of coming to said page again, so I am replying on the same page. When somebody decides to read said page (which you have obviously done), now they can see not just how someone "accuses" me, but my reply as well. :) "clocking up the divisions with your 10 year olds" Oldest=8, 4th oldest 6. If you care so much, care to verify your "accusations" first. "lmao" ;)
1-21-2021 8:00 am EST
⬇ Try not to get too triggered that I didn't do as you demanded by replying on this page; you know, the one you commented on. The beginner tier is LFC. The one you mean is the 2nd tier, a mid tier for camps with over 500 wins (hardly beginners) or fighters that got through the beginner tier. "LFC belts are worthless." Of course. All belts are. I play this game for fun, but if you play to feel "accomplished" that some belts are worth something, that's your life and I don't mind one bit.
1-21-2021 5:27 am EST
oh and btw, dont reply on your own wall. when someone accuses you, answer on their wall or they wont see the notification
1-21-2021 5:26 am EST
mate you usually leave the beginner tier once your dude has 10-20 wins, yours has 60 and he still sticks around in the beginner tier. Move him up or he will never have accomplished anything in his lifetime. LFC belts are worthless. Stop clocking up the divisions with your 10 year olds lmao
1-19-2021 11:23 pm EST
⬇ The fighter has won every title in the tier (an in-game goal that was set and met) and he's moving to the next tier when his contract expires, so you don't need to panic. However, since you elect to anyway, how about just not accepting the fight in the meantime, like everybody has the option of doing, instead of accepting it twice and being concerned about it in between? You can save yourself the pain, the sweat, the tears, the troubles, the worries, and the head shaking. :)
Sadaharu Oh Dojo
1-18-2021 10:32 am EST
Move your guys up already. 60-12 in tier 2 smdh
Fat Camp
1-11-2021 9:42 pm EST
NorthernLights Out
1-4-2021 4:50 pm EST
Register for an account on the forums! Your camp has been doing great as of late!
Pete Predge
Quebec MMA
11-25-2020 1:12 pm EST
This camp's name is fucking hilarious! LOVE IT!
10-8-2020 7:33 am EST
nice camp name :D