
Luis Chavez - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  8 Points of Contact Miguel Espinoza 8 Points of Contact 3 KO (Knee) 265 LDNet Jan 2191
  8 Points of Contact Crosley "Bad Ass" Boas 8 Points of Contact 3 KO (Stomps) 265 LDNet Nov 2190
  8 Points of Contact Lachlan Ryan 8 Points of Contact 3 Split Decision 265 AoC May 2190
  8 Points of Contact Kid Perry Pull Guard 3 Split Decision 265 AoC Apr 2190
  8 Points of Contact Anacleto Ramos Push the Pace 1 KO (Punch) 265 AoC Feb 2190
  8 Points of Contact Torben Ruas Ground & Pound 3 Split Decision 265 AoC Jan 2190
  Dirty Boxing Oliver Hamilton Pull Guard 3 Submission (Armbar) 265 WC Sep 2189
  Dirty Boxing Javier Torres Punches in Bunches 2 KO (Hook) 265 WC Jun 2189
  Dirty Boxing Enrique Vega 8 Points of Contact 3 Split Decision 265 WC May 2189
  Dirty Boxing Bryce Sanders Ground & Pound 3 KO (Stomps) 265 WC Mar 2189