
Tomek Filipek - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  Swing for the Fences Konstantin Nazarov 8 Points of Contact 2 KO (Punches) 205 CFF Sep 2752
  Counter Strike Nicola Parri Neo Footwork 3 Unanimous Decision 205 CFF Jul 2752
  Swing for the Fences Konstantin Nazarov 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Multiple Elbow Strikes) 205 CFF May 2752
  Way of Hand & Foot Konstantin Nazarov 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Knee) 205 CFF Mar 2752
  Wall & Stall Nicola Parri Neo Footwork 3 Unanimous Decision 205 CFF Jan 2752