
Brent Lentz - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  Ground & Pound Martel Hampton Way of Hand & Foot 1 KO (Punch) 185 CG Apr 2601
  Ground & Pound Silvia Gruber Punches in Bunches 2 KO (Crucifix) 185 CG Jan 2601
  Ground & Pound Silvia Gruber Punches in Bunches 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 185 CG Dec 2600
  Ground & Pound Clive Wiuff 8 Points of Contact 2 KO (Stomps) 185 CG Nov 2600
  Ground & Pound Bert Guida Ippon 3 Unanimous Decision 185 PAN Sep 2600
  Ground & Pound Rafael Rodriguez Counter Strike 1 KO (Teep) 185 PAN Aug 2600
  Ground & Pound Havryil Klimenko Punches in Bunches 3 Unanimous Decision 185 PAN Jul 2600
  Ground & Pound Samuel Valdez Push the Pace 1 KO (12 to 6 Elbow) 185 PAN Jun 2600
  Ground & Pound Shah Rashidi Run & Gun 3 KO (Punches) 185 PAN Apr 2600
  Ground & Pound Alexis Peris Punches in Bunches 2 KO (Hook) 185 LFC Feb 2600
  Ground & Pound Cory "Judo" Naugle Ippon 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 185 LFC Nov 2599