
World MMA Extreme

Last Online - Thursday 9th of September 2010
Display Name Paul Nycz
Member Since Sep 18, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 83-168


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1-12-2010 1:15 pm EST
You are building your fighters great...but not for Power Locks, but for Pull Guard. PL uses Sambo, strength, and wrestling. PG uses JJ, flex, strength, and wrestling. Avoid fighting GnP fighters with your PG guys...good luck!
10-3-2009 11:43 am EST
Weight is a big advantage. Any LW fighter you get that is under 170 lbs is going to struggle vs the bigger fighters. Just like a 245 lb HW is gonna get worked by the 280 lb fighter.
10-3-2009 11:40 am EST
...so it is worth giving it a couple of tries before moving your fighter up a weight class. But you have no control over him making weight. I currently have a 183 lb fighter that fights at 155. He has made weight 2 outta 3 times.
10-3-2009 11:37 am EST
This game uses 4 things to determine an outcome of a fight. Style, visible stats, weight, and "hidden" stats. You can't manipulate your fighter's hidden stats in any way. The hidden stats that we know of are: Good/bad chin, sub defence/will, length of career until retirement, and the ability to cut weight. Fighters can drop between 5-33 lbs off of their "screen" weight. They may not make weight every time, either. Some fighters may only make weight 1 outta 5 tries...
10-2-2009 11:56 am EST
Good to hear it. If you have any questions, or need any help, don't hesitate to ask.
9-21-2009 6:00 pm EST
In a surprising move, both Buster Butler (0-5) and Juan Martinez (0-5) have left camp and MMA altogether. Butler, 29, says he will try his hand at clown school.
9-21-2009 3:57 pm EST
Juan Martinez, in light of Andrew Hayes' departure was quoted as saying, "I better win soon or I'll find my way out of MMA.
9-21-2009 12:38 pm EST
After going 0-6, Andrew Hayes has been forced into an early retirement. Up and comer Jandron Jimenez has taken his spot.
9-20-2009 5:18 pm EST
World MMA Extreme announced today that Andrew Hayes (0-5) must win his next in order to keep his spot. MMA Weekly magazine speculates Andrew will be forced to retire if he continues his losing streak.
9-20-2009 9:09 am EST
After a series of disappointing losses, World MMA Extreme has announced that Andrew Hayes (0-4), is on the cusp of being released from the camp. Upon hearing this news, Andrew commented: "Yeah, I'm losing, but look who I'm fighting, I guarantee you I would destroy anyone in this camp."
9-19-2009 4:48 pm EST
Paul Nycz, trainer at World MMA Extreme is happy to announce that 29 year old fighter Bustler Butler has joined the camp.
9-19-2009 11:13 am EST
Training out of a desert town in the middle of the Mojave Desert, World MMA Extreme looks to bring exciting fighters to the sport. Through rigorous and painful exercises, their fighters train to be the best. Recently acquiring fighters Andrew Hayes (0-2), Chavito Aguilar (1-1), Brett Collins (1-0), Juan Martinez (0-1), and Gabriel Gray (2-0), World MMA Extreme is a soon to be powerhouse in the world of MMA.