Thanks for the fights today. I shouldn't be playing right now-- I'm at work. Thanks for helping me participate in extra curricular activities on company time. You have a fun camp.
I agree with you man, i send challenges to everyone online with i'd say 15 out of my 18 fighters, usually i'm selective with about 2 or 3 fighters i think are the best. But too many people on here duck fights. Challenge my camp any time. Cheers.
Hey Man, Just Came Across Your Camp And You Have The Same Theory As Me, If Their Online Challenge Them, No Matter What Their Record! If I Ever Spot That Your Guys Are Online, Ill Send You An Invite And We Can Go To War! Good Luck!
no problem man... just lookin at your roster you should try to cut more weight w/ all your guys. if someone is under 180 i try to make them LW, 190-something see about WW, under 210 look at MW, 235 to LHW.
If you are online (GREEN SQUARE BY YOUR NAME) I send you a challenge if you have had 5 or 50 fights I dont care........ So dont come to my page with sand in your vagina you dont have to accept any challenge you dont want........
Thunder House