
Feind Nation

Last Online - Wednesday 17th of August 2011
Display Name Misfit
Member Since Apr 13, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 1320-1892


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Thunder House
1-28-2010 11:42 am EST
Thanks for the fights today. I shouldn't be playing right now-- I'm at work. Thanks for helping me participate in extra curricular activities on company time. You have a fun camp.
The System
System MMA
1-10-2010 5:35 pm EST
I agree with you man, i send challenges to everyone online with i'd say 15 out of my 18 fighters, usually i'm selective with about 2 or 3 fighters i think are the best. But too many people on here duck fights. Challenge my camp any time. Cheers.
1-3-2010 2:47 am EST
Hey Man, Just Came Across Your Camp And You Have The Same Theory As Me, If Their Online Challenge Them, No Matter What Their Record! If I Ever Spot That Your Guys Are Online, Ill Send You An Invite And We Can Go To War! Good Luck!
The Godfather
859 Academy
12-13-2009 4:09 pm EST
no problem man... just lookin at your roster you should try to cut more weight w/ all your guys. if someone is under 180 i try to make them LW, 190-something see about WW, under 210 look at MW, 235 to LHW.
7-15-2009 5:46 am EST
If you are online (GREEN SQUARE BY YOUR NAME) I send you a challenge if you have had 5 or 50 fights I dont care........ So dont come to my page with sand in your vagina you dont have to accept any challenge you dont want........
7-11-2009 9:49 pm EST
no problem, win some lose some
Heinrikus Panatto
Heinrikus Gym
7-10-2009 9:00 pm EST
no, i'm from belém-brasil
5-3-2009 8:27 pm EST
I run Who Knew as well I am kind of new to the game
5-3-2009 5:50 am EST
your camp challenges me alot much respect