
Flash Kicks

Last Online - Friday 11th of January 2013
Display Name J Fizzy
Member Since Feb 3, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 450-699


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11-21-2012 7:02 am EST
10 second knock out Bitch
2-24-2009 1:01 pm EST
The best way to get your fighters stats up is first to train them with another fighter that has higher stats in the same area that you want to build in. Also, fight your fighters so they can earn money for your camp and then you can purchase equipment. This is a slow process that everyone has to go through and go through you must. There is no quick or easy way to do it. Also, when recruiting it is a hit an miss. Probably 20 to 1 really good recruit. Maybe more!
2-9-2009 1:20 pm EST
J. Fizzy, I'm still considered a new guy by some of the vets, however, there are a few things that I have learned and will pass on. Just ask, if I can help I will and if not I'll say so. I won't direct you in an area I don't know. Good Luck and go kick some ass! Remember...the forums are extremely important.
2-7-2009 6:37 am EST
J. Fzzy, I see that you are new to the org. Do yourself two favors...1. Never use MA as a style...you will loose nearly every time...2. Read as much in the forums as possible to advance yourself as fast as possible! These guys will have no mercy on you...such as "Lionheart" just had on your fighter! :) May the fighting gods be with you!