

Last Online - Wednesday 31st of October 2018
Display Name Aeons
Member Since Sep 29, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 773-928


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GFF America
3-3-2014 3:10 pm EST
Hi- Are you on the forums and have you ever thought about joining an alliance?
2-1-2009 7:34 pm EST
oh yea, but pretty much gave it away by saying rule 1&2. lol mean camp btw
1-24-2009 8:35 pm EST
1-8-2009 4:15 am EST
just naaafing man, challenge my guy?
1-7-2009 5:17 pm EST
are you vagabond Hamilton or Auckland??
1-7-2009 2:35 pm EST
Using a guy for training with little fighting is not a bad idea. Actually, I never considered it. Thanks to you I now am going to consider that possibility. Thanks! :)
1-7-2009 1:04 pm EST
Yea. You can't think of it in terms of REAL mma, or it won't make since. EVERY style has a counter in this game. If your fighter is fighting his counter he will lose most of the time. That's why most coaches train their fighter in two styles or more. To counter their primary styles counter. Also, I stopped reading the pbp months ago....it would just piss me off. For help with styles and match-ups, check out the "Forums"...good luck!
Eagles Claw
12-26-2008 5:40 pm EST
Hey, alot of times you have to fight those 0-2 or what ever fighters cause some of the dudes in here don't want to fight if its risky and you have to take a fight to keep from losing rank and popularity.....think before you converse with criticism!
Hawaiian Pride
Tap Out Or Nap Out
11-3-2008 4:02 pm EST
yeah man,its the most basic and easest style to win with.its only weakness is FF/CD// and most high stats.its best to always have a counter for it,I use whatever the recruit can offer..peace!
10-17-2008 2:20 pm EST
You bet! Good Luck! Warren