
Sovieta MMA

Last Online - Wednesday 13th of May 2009
Display Name Vlad Tepes
Member Since Mar 8, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 313-326


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Club Casual
6-4-2008 3:17 pm EST
yea k Ivano is shitting himself lol bro like i said anytime
Club Casual
6-4-2008 2:56 pm EST
yea wat eva boy. bring it anytime u want ur teams all shit to mine
Club Casual
6-3-2008 3:11 pm EST
Now i know y i left the message, u thought u had me caus my fighter was 8 points and u thought u wher guna beat me by changin 2 flyin submissions but i was ready for it
Club Casual
6-3-2008 2:28 pm EST
ay wat u on about i know its a game