
Viseu AllStar

Last Online - Sunday 17th of March 2024
Display Name Jonny Rossi
Member Since May 11, 2019
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 2496-1714


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4-22-2021 1:18 am EST
why do you resign your fighters with orgs if you never fight them? Isn't that kinda redundant?
11-2-2020 3:53 am EST
Welcome back! :)
1-22-2020 1:19 am EST
you should sign up bud, plenty of tips and tournaments etc to get involved with, and meet other coaches :)
1-22-2020 1:19 am EST
you should sign up bud, plenty of tips and tournaments etc to get involved with, and meet other coaches :)
1-21-2020 1:45 am EST
Free SRs for this tournament, go put your name down :) http://www.mmarmy.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=501915#Post501915
Smooth Jesus
1-4-2020 9:09 am EST
Great fights and congrats! Ivy is a killer
1-3-2020 3:03 pm EST
Yea, I know it can get that way my man, but, when you have a fighter always getting bumped out the org for inactivity and accepting auto challenges, it looks shady and your others fighters still fighting. I doubt he cares if your fighter beat his. We play by a code of giving title shots to the most deserving, previous victories do not prevent a good coach from handing out a shot, inactivity will my man. Come to the forums, you have some really good fighters.
1-3-2020 9:19 am EST
Wow bro. You can fight your fighters except for your girl in EFC WFLY and I see the comment below, wow. You can ask for undeserved title shots and accept AC's. Shady play Jonny, shady play. That is not cool my man.
Smooth Jesus
1-2-2020 7:20 am EST
Hey guy I didn't want you to keep waiting on the WFLY shot you keep sending. Great streak but your girl hasn't fought in many resets. Last time you grabbed the belt and bailed it held everyone else up for 4 resets
10-30-2019 2:51 am EST
New tournament, this time P4P 200 or higher http://www.mmarmy.com/tournamentview.php?tournament_id=2024
10-29-2019 5:51 am EST
congrats on one of your guys getting to the final, good luck!
10-24-2019 12:43 am EST
congrats on getting into the top.10 in camp rankings :)
10-23-2019 6:43 am EST
put a couple of guys in and if not many guys sign up, ill get you to throw more in :)
10-23-2019 5:39 am EST
Throw a couple of guys into this tournament mate, made it for camps who are new or don't have many fights :) http://www.mmarmy.com/tournamentview.php?tournament_id=2023
10-23-2019 1:59 am EST
If you want any more legends fights, message me your fighter and who you want them to face and ill send some over as ive got loads of tokens that are unused in my camp atm lol
10-22-2019 8:06 am EST
Sorry if theyre mismatches, hopefully your guy pulls out some wins :)
10-22-2019 8:04 am EST
Sent your guy Curly 3 legends fights using guys who retired with the same highest rank of no.114, good luck bud :)
10-9-2019 1:01 am EST
We should definitely have that fight as a legend fight when they both retire :)
10-9-2019 12:40 am EST
nice camp! thanks for the fights :)