
LF Fighters Academy

Last Online - Sunday 16th of August 2015
Display Name THE MR BXVT3N6
Member Since Jul 4, 2015
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 58-53


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7-12-2015 7:52 pm EST
In order to start a tournament you need to buy tournament tokens. Most of the time people who are hosting let you join for free. Not sure about the Judoka, just ask around the forums!
7-12-2015 7:58 am EST
De los torneos no puedo responderte porque creo que son monedas reales y no uso de eso yo. Respecto a Jesús, veo que usas el 8 points con él, además de Muay Thai metele Velocidad, Poder y Brawling que veo que está muy atrasado. Yo lo que hago es imaginar lo que yo necesitaría si peleara en Muay Thai jajaja. Un saludo crack!
7-8-2015 3:47 am EST
Otro español por aquí!! Yo llevo poquito tiempo también pero cualquier cosa que podamos ayudarnos, bienvenido sea!!
7-7-2015 6:06 pm EST
Things are interesting. Just trying out a new style in the game.
7-5-2015 3:05 pm EST
When you fight you earn money just for fighting. if you win you get 2x the amount. You can use real money to buy in game money, but in game money is easy to accrue. In order to buy tattoos and premium clothing you need to use real money to get it. I believe it'll be 800 credits, and I think thats $8.00 american, not sure where you live but I'm sure you could convert it.
7-4-2015 1:24 pm EST
When you first start off you can recruit 5 fighters. Recruit them, then I could suggest you buy the 6th fighter slot so you can get your next fighter the next reset.