Round 1 Tra is on the receiving end of a good punching combination from Phil Stevenson. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. King drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Phil Stevenson sets a guillotine choke but King slips out at the last moment. King is now caught in guard. Stevenson attempts a switch from the guard, but a scramble takes place getting both fighters to their feet. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. A strong elbow forces Tra to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Phil lays into Tras thighs with some well timed kicks while Tra King is grounded. Round 1 is over.
Round 2 Tra King connects with a series of punches forcing Phil into a clinch. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Phil Stevenson drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. "The Fiction" sets a guillotine choke but Phil Stevenson slips out at the last moment. Phil Stevenson is now caught in guard. Phil dodges a few strikes from King and cuts him open with a couple of powerful elbows. Stevenson tries to pass guard but King stops him with a well timed punch. King connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. "The Fiction" attempts an omoplata and almost has it sunk but Stevenson is able to survive any major damage. "The Fiction" cannot finish the hold and decides to stand up. Round 2 is over.
Round 3 Phil circles "The Fiction", mixing jabs and leg kicks. King is staggered by a jab to the chin. Phil Stevenson executes a single leg giving him the back of "The Fiction". "The Fiction" tries to explode out the backdoor but Phil Stevenson sinks in both hooks, continually landing outside strikes. "The Fiction" falls flat to protect himself. "The Fiction" starts to wiggle out of back control, Stevenson lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Phil Stevenson parries Tra Kings jab and connect with a cross. Two quick punches opens up King for a takedown. Phil pushes in and executes a forward foot sweep that puts King on his back. Phil falls into side control. The round comes to an end.