Round 1 Petrov ducks and weaves through a jab-cross combo but is hit with a nasty uppercut. Kalinin slips a cross from Markov and lands jab cross to the body. "Zangief" parries "The Soviet Superstars" jab and connect with a cross. Ivano circles Petrov, landing jabs at will. "Zangief" circles Markov, landing jabs at will. After dodging a jab-cross, Ivano lands a kick to the liver of Markov Petrov who steps back and begins to take a knee. Ivano rushes forward to capitalize but Markov Petrov stands back up and is met by a strong cross-uppercut that again backs him up. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 Ivano counters a jab with a stiff uppercut. "Zangief" lands a hook to the body. Petrov ducks and weaves through a jab-cross combo but is hit with a nasty uppercut. Markov attempts to clinch, but Ivano Kalinin connects with an uppercut to the jaw. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 "The Soviet Superstar" is staggered by a jab to the chin. "Zangief" circles Markov, landing jabs and crosses at will. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Ivano fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening Markov up for a flurry of hooks. Kalinin blocks a cross, liver shot combo but is pushed backward. "The Soviet Superstar" tries to press the action but is met with a jab, cross, uppercut that puts him to on the floor. Kalinin kicks at the thighs of Petrov. The bell signals the end of round 3.
Ivano "Zangief" Kalinin wins by Unanimous Decision