At the top of this page there is a link to , Forums, select it, use your register using your game name. Then do a search for my name, Chitlnz, and send me a private message informing me you are on the forum.
Hello I would like to invite you to join a tournament I have recently created. I have not played this game for long, but I have relised that I would like to help to make tournaments a larger part of the game. To do this I am organizing a Lightweight Gran Prix tournament to compete the best current Lightweights in the game against eachother. You house some of the best all around fighters in the game so I was wondering if you are interested wer
Ok man now this is BS, you are seriously ducking, Im the secound highest contender and the last guys challenge you accepted was 10th. Stop trying to protect your record and accept my challenge. Stop ducking - Karl Colon
Chits Crew